18 Cycling benefits for men: physical, psychological, outdoor and indoor effects

Cycling is a highly versatile sport for men, encompassing various disciplines such as road cycling, mountain biking, gravel biking, and indoor cycling, each offering unique challenges and health benefits. Road cycling emphasizes endurance and cardiovascular health, mountain biking builds strength and improves balance, gravel biking combines endurance with the ability to navigate mixed terrains, and indoor cycling provides a controlled environment for focused training and fitness regardless of weather conditions. The Key benefits of cycling for men include enhancing cardiovascular health, building and toning muscle, improving stamina and endurance, positively impacting sexual health, and contributing significantly to mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety levels.

Associate Professor Caroline Shaw from the University of Otago Wellington, New Zealand, in a 2019 study found that while only 2% of women regularly cycled compared to 5% of men, men had more than twice the odds (OR 2.58) of cycling, showcasing a clear gender gap in cycling engagement that highlights the significant health and fitness benefits men gain from cycling, including improved cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and potentially increased testosterone levels, but also calls for mindful cycling practices to address concerns related to prostate health and erectile function.

Riding a bike is an excellent exercise for men, offering many health benefits beyond physical fitness. Regular cycling has been shown to increase testosterone levels, which is crucial for muscle growth, bone density, and overall vitality. There is a complex relationship between cycling, erectile dysfunction, and prostate health; moderate cycling can enhance cardiovascular health, thereby potentially improving erectile function, but excessive riding without proper saddle support may put pressure on the perineum, affecting prostate health and sexual function. However, these risks can be mitigated with the right equipment and riding posture. Both outdoor and indoor cycling offer tailored benefits; outdoor cycling provides exposure to sunlight and fresh air, enhancing mood and vitamin D levels, while indoor cycling allows for training in a controlled environment, making monitoring progress and maintaining consistency easier. The primary men’s muscles engaged during cycling include the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles, ensuring a comprehensive lower body workout that improves endurance, strength, and metabolic rate.

In this article, we will explain all the physical and psychological benefits of cycling for men, the relationship between cycling and men’s sexual health, outdoor and indoor cycling effects and disadvantages for males.

Table of Contents

What are the benefits of cycling for men?

The 18 benefits of cycling for men are both physical and psychological as listed below.

  1. Improves stamina and physical performance
  2. Builds muscles and endurance
  3. Improves lung capacity and respiratory health
  4. Lowers heart disease and cancer risk
  5. Boosts sexual health
  6. Aids in weight and fat loss
  7. Reduces hypertension and dyslipidemia
  8. Decreases the incidence of cerebrovascular accidents
  9. Helps manage diabetes
  10. Strengthens the immune system
  11. Prevents injuries as a non-weight-bearing activity option
  12. Improves sleep cycles
  13. Enhances brain health
  14. Reduces chances of cancer
  15. Improves mental well-being
  16. Saves time
  17. Expands social circles
  18. Reduces transportation costs

What are the benefits of cycling for men

Improves stamina and physical performance

Cycling improves stamina and physical performance for men by consistently challenging the cardiovascular system, leading to greater efficiency in oxygen delivery and utilization during prolonged physical activities. This process not only enhances men’s endurance but also increases muscle strength and efficiency, allowing for improved performance in both daily activities and competitive sports, as the body becomes better equipped to handle physical stress and recover more quickly.

Builds muscles and endurance

Cycling builds muscles and endurance for men by engaging key muscle groups in the lower body, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, through repetitive pedaling motion that promotes muscle hypertrophy and strength. Additionally, the aerobic nature of cycling enhances cardiovascular endurance, enabling men to sustain longer periods of physical activity with increased efficiency in energy usage and recovery, leading to overall improved endurance and muscular resilience.

Improves lung capacity and respiratory health

Cycling improves men’s lung capacity and respiratory health by demanding increased oxygen intake to fuel muscular activity, which over time expands lung volume and enhances the efficiency of the respiratory system. This elevated oxygen demand not only strengthens the respiratory muscles like the diaphragm and intercostals but also improves the overall oxygen exchange process in the lungs, leading to enhanced endurance and performance in physical activities.

Lowers heart disease and cancer risk

Cycling lowers heart disease and cancer risk for men by promoting improved blood circulation, reducing blood pressure, and enhancing the lipid profile, which collectively contributes to decreased strain on the cardiovascular system and lower incidence of arterial plaque formation. Moreover, the physical activity involved in cycling boosts the immune system and helps regulate hormones, factors that are associated with a reduced risk of certain types of cancer, including colon and breast cancer, by preventing the development and growth of cancerous cells.

Boosts sexual health

Cycling boosts sexual health for men by improving cardiovascular health and blood flow, including to the pelvic region, which is essential for erectile function and overall sexual performance. The increase in physical fitness and reduction in body fat associated with regular cycling also leads to higher levels of testosterone, a key hormone in male libido and sexual health, thereby enhancing sexual desire and potentially improving reproductive function.

Researcher Paolo Sgrò from the University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Italy, in a 2017 medical research, emphasized that well-conducted motor and sports activities, including cycling, can have beneficial effects on men’s sexual health, highlighting regular physical activity as essential to counteracting erectile dysfunction, although competitive sport requires careful management to avoid potential reproductive or sexual health issues.

Aids in weight and fat loss

Cycling aids in weight and fat loss for men by creating a caloric deficit through the burning of calories during sustained physical activity, which, when combined with a balanced diet, leads to the reduction of body fat. The aerobic nature of cycling increases the metabolic rate not only during the activity but also in the resting phase, enhancing the body’s efficiency in utilizing fat as an energy source, thus promoting fat loss and improving body composition.

Here’s a table showing the calories burned in 30 minutes of cycling for men at different body weights and intensities, provides a detailed look at how cycling’s intensity and a man’s body weight influence calorie burn, highlighting the efficiency of cycling for weight management and fitness.

Intensity150 lb (68.04 kg)175 lb (79.38 kg)200 lb (90.72 kg)225 lb (102.06 kg)
Bicycling, general267.9 calories312.55 calories357.2 calories401.85 calories
Bicycling, 12-13.9 mph, leisure, moderate effort285.76 calories333.39 calories381.02 calories428.64 calories
Bicycling, 14-15.9 mph, racing or leisure, fast, vigorous effort357.2 calories416.74 calories476.27 calories535.81 calories
Bicycling, 16-19 mph, racing/not drafting or > 19 mph drafting, very fast, racing general428.64 calories500.09 calories571.53 calories642.97 calories
Bicycling, > 20 mph, racing, not drafting564.38 calories658.45 calories752.51 calories846.57 calories

Cycling aids in weight and fat loss for men

A 175lb(79.38 kg) man burns approximately 312.55 calories cycling at a general pace, 333.39 calories at a leisurely pace of 12-13.9 mph, 416.74 calories racing at 14-15.9 mph, 500.09 calories racing at 16-19 mph, and 658.45 calories at speeds over 20 mph in a 30-minute session.

Reduces hypertension and dyslipidemia

Cycling reduces hypertension and dyslipidemia in men by enhancing cardiovascular efficiency, which lowers blood pressure through improved heart function and arterial health. The aerobic exercise involved in cycling increases HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels while decreasing LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and triglycerides, helping to balance lipid profiles and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

Medical researcher Yiran Zang from North China University of Science and Technology, China, in a 2022 original study demonstrated that cycling reduces hypertension by showing a significant decrease in arterial stiffness, measured by brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), after acute aerobic exercise in both hypertensive and non-hypertensive groups, providing evidence of cycling’s beneficial effects on cardiovascular health.

Decreases the incidence of cerebrovascular accidents

Cycling decreases the incidence of cerebrovascular accidents (strokes) for men by improving cardiovascular health, which leads to enhanced blood circulation and reduced arterial stiffness, thereby lowering the risk of blood clots forming and blocking brain arteries. Regular cycling also helps in managing blood pressure and reducing body fat, two significant risk factors for stroke, by promoting a healthier lifestyle and preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries that can lead to cerebrovascular incidents.

Helps manage diabetes

Cycling helps manage diabetes for men by increasing insulin sensitivity and promoting glucose uptake into the muscles, thereby aiding in blood sugar regulation and reducing the need for exogenous insulin. The consistent physical activity involved in cycling enhances metabolic function, encouraging the body to use glucose more efficiently as fuel during and after exercise, which is crucial for maintaining stable blood glucose levels and managing both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Strengthens the immune system

Cycling strengthens the immune system for men by promoting the circulation of white blood cells and increasing the production of proteins like cytokines that play crucial roles in immune response, aiding in the faster identification and elimination of pathogens. Additionally, regular cycling activity reduces stress hormones, such as cortisol, that can suppress immune function, thereby enhancing the body’s ability to defend against infections and diseases by maintaining a more balanced and responsive immune environment.

Prevents injuries as a non-weight-bearing activity option

Cycling prevents injuries as a non-weight-bearing activity option for men by significantly reducing the impact on weight-bearing joints such as the knees, hips, and ankles, which are commonly susceptible to strain and injury during high-impact exercises. This low-impact nature of cycling allows for the strengthening of muscles and improvement of joint mobility without the added stress, making it an ideal exercise for injury prevention, rehabilitation, and for those with existing joint issues or arthritis, facilitating a safer approach to maintaining fitness and cardiovascular health.

Improves sleep cycles

Cycling improves sleep cycles for men by increasing physical exertion throughout the day, which leads to a natural increase in the need for restorative sleep, thereby helping to regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythms. The exercise also reduces stress and anxiety levels through the release of endorphins, promoting relaxation and making it easier to fall asleep and achieve deeper, more restful sleep phases, which are essential for cognitive function, muscle repair, and overall well-being.

Enhances brain health

Cycling enhances brain health for men by increasing blood flow to the brain, delivering more oxygen and nutrients vital for neurogenesis and the maintenance of neuronal health, thereby supporting cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and processing speed. Furthermore, physical activity stimulates the release of growth factors like BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), which promote the growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses, essential for learning and preventing cognitive decline.

Reduces chances of cancer

Cycling reduces the chances of cancer for men by facilitating weight management and decreasing levels of hormones such as insulin and estrogen, which have been linked to the development of cancer cells. Regular physical activity like cycling also boosts the immune system’s ability to detect and destroy potential cancer cells, and increases antioxidant defenses, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation that can contribute to cancer initiation and progression.

Dr. Shannon Sahlqvist from the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, in a 2013 epidemiology research, found that cycling, particularly for utility purposes, is associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, including cancer, by promoting greater physical activity levels, suggesting modest levels of cycling may lower cancer risk among adults.

Improves mental well-being

Cycling improves mental well-being for men by triggering the release of endorphins, known as the body’s natural mood elevators, which help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression, promoting a sense of happiness and relaxation. Additionally, engaging in regular cycling fosters a sense of achievement and self-efficacy, enhances focus and cognitive function through increased blood flow to the brain, and provides opportunities for social interaction and connection with nature, all contributing to improved mental health and emotional balance.

Saves time

Cycling saves time for men by serving as an efficient mode of transportation that can bypass traffic congestion, combining the daily commute with physical exercise to meet fitness goals without requiring additional time for workouts. This dual-purpose nature allows for the effective management of daily schedules, enhancing productivity and freeing up time for other activities, while simultaneously promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of sedentary lifestyle-related diseases by incorporating physical activity into routine tasks.

Expands social circles

Cycling expands social circles for men by providing opportunities to join clubs, groups, and community rides, fostering connections with individuals who share similar interests and passions. This social engagement through cycling not only enhances emotional well-being by reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation but also encourages motivation and accountability in maintaining a regular exercise routine, contributing to overall mental health and a sense of belonging within a supportive community.

Reduces transportation costs

Cycling reduces transportation costs for men by eliminating the need for fuel, parking fees, and regular maintenance associated with vehicle use, making it a cost-effective alternative for commuting and short trips. This economical mode of transport not only contributes to financial savings but also promotes physical activity, enhancing cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle, thereby potentially lowering healthcare expenses in the long term.

Is riding a bike good exercise for men?

Yes, riding a bike is a good exercise for men because it improves cardiovascular health, enhances muscle strength and endurance, aids in weight management, and boosts mental well-being, making it a comprehensive workout option.

Cycling is particularly beneficial for men not only because it targets key muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, enhancing muscular strength and endurance, but also because its low-impact nature ensures minimal stress on joints, making it an ideal exercise for long-term joint health and for those recovering from injuries. Moreover, the physical exertion associated with cycling stimulates testosterone production, which is essential for muscle growth, bone density, and overall vitality, thereby addressing several aspects of men’s health, from physical fitness to hormonal balance.

Does cycling increase testosterone?

Yes, cycling can increase testosterone by improving overall fitness and reducing body fat, which are factors that contribute positively to testosterone levels. However, excessive or prolonged cycling without proper seat adjustment can potentially lead to reduced blood flow in the groin area, which might negatively impact testosterone levels over time.

Medicine professor Carine Smith from Stellenbosch University, South Africa, in a 2006 study observed a 20% decrease in testosterone levels post-high-intensity cycling training among male cyclists, suggesting that while cycling can benefit cardiovascular and muscular systems, excessive high-intensity training may lead to a reduction in testosterone levels, indicating the need for balanced exercise regimens.

Does cycling help erectile dysfunction?

Yes, cycling can help erectile dysfunction by enhancing blood circulation and cardiovascular health, which are vital for erectile function. However, excessive cycling with improper saddle fitting can lead to pressure on the perineum, potentially affecting penile blood flow and temporarily impacting erectile function.

Does cycling affect erectile function?

Yes, cycling can affect erectile function if done excessively or with a poor bike fit, as prolonged pressure on the perineum can impair blood flow to the penis and potentially lead to temporary erectile dysfunction.

Can you do cycling after prostate surgery?

Yes, you can do cycling after prostate surgery if you wait for full recovery and clearance from your healthcare provider, ensuring that any post-surgical healing is complete and there is no discomfort. However, it’s essential to start slowly, possibly with a modified bike seat or shorter rides, to avoid pressure on the surgical area.

Can you do cycling after vasectomy?

Yes, you can do cycling after vasectomy if you allow adequate time for recovery and healing as advised by your surgeon, typically a few days to a week, depending on individual recovery rates. However, it’s important to ease back into cycling gradually and ensure comfort to avoid any unnecessary strain on the surgery site.

What are the outdoor cycling benefits for males?

Outdoor cycling benefits for males, including road cycling, mountain biking, and gravel biking, encompass improved cardiovascular health, enhanced muscular strength and endurance, reduced stress levels, increased vitamin D exposure, and improved mental well-being.

  1. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Engaging in outdoor cycling activities like road cycling increases heart rate and blood flow, significantly enhancing cardiovascular fitness and reducing the risk of heart diseases.
  2. Enhanced Muscular Strength and Endurance: Mountain biking, with its varied terrain, challenges different muscle groups, particularly in the legs and core, leading to increased muscular strength and endurance.
  3. Reduced Stress Levels: The natural environments experienced during gravel biking and other outdoor cycling forms have been shown to lower stress levels, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm.
  4. Increased Vitamin D Exposure: Outdoor cycling exposes men to sunlight, aiding in the natural production of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.
  5. Improved Mental Well-being: The combination of physical exercise and being in nature, common to all forms of outdoor cycling, supports mental health by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and enhancing overall well-being.

What are the outdoor cycling benefits for males

What type of cycling (road, mountain, stationary) is most beneficial for men’s health?

Mountain biking is often considered the most beneficial for men’s health because it combines cardiovascular exercise with the added challenges of navigating varied terrain, which improves balance, strength, coordination, and mental sharpness. The natural outdoor environment also provides mental health benefits and stress reduction.

The table below highlights that while all forms of cycling offer significant cardiovascular benefits, mountain biking stands out for its comprehensive physical and mental health advantages, despite a higher risk of injury. Road cycling and stationary cycling still provide substantial health benefits, making them excellent choices based on individual preferences and goals.

BenefitRoad CyclingMountain BikingStationary Cycling
Cardiovascular HealthHighHighHigh
Muscular Strength and EnduranceModerateHighModerate
Balance and CoordinationLowHighLow
Mental Health ImprovementModerateHighModerate
Stress ReductionModerateHighModerate
Vitamin D ExposureHighHighNone
Terrain VariationLowHighNone
Risk of InjuryModerateHighLow
Weather DependencyHighHighNone

What type of cycling (road, mountain, stationary) is most beneficial for men's health

What are the indoor cycling benefits for males?

The indoor cycling benefits for males include enhanced cardiovascular health, consistent and controllable workout environments regardless of weather, reduced risk of injury compared to outdoor cycling, convenience for fitting into a busy schedule, and the ability to participate in virtual classes for motivation and community engagement. These benefits collectively offer a comprehensive exercise option that improves physical fitness, supports cardiovascular function, and provides a flexible, low-impact workout solution suitable for all fitness levels.

What are the gym cycling benefits for males?

The gym cycling benefits for males include improved cardiovascular endurance, targeted muscle strengthening, especially in the lower body, access to varied resistance levels for customized workouts, the motivational atmosphere of group classes, and the guidance of experienced instructors to optimize fitness goals. These advantages make gym cycling an effective, dynamic, and social way to enhance physical health, boost stamina, and maintain motivation through structured programs and community support.

How does cycling change a man’s body?

Cycling changes a man’s body by building and toning muscles, particularly in the lower body, increasing stamina and endurance, enhancing cardiovascular health, improving lung capacity, reducing body fat, and boosting overall physical and mental well-being.

  1. Building and Toning Muscles: Regular cycling strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, leading to increased muscle mass and definition in the lower body.
  2. Increasing Stamina and Endurance: Through sustained aerobic activity, cycling raises the body’s ability to perform prolonged physical activities, enhancing overall stamina and endurance.
  3. Enhancing Cardiovascular Health: Cycling increases heart rate and blood circulation, strengthening the heart muscle and reducing the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and improving lipid profiles.
  4. Improving Lung Capacity: The aerobic nature of cycling demands more oxygen, which improves the efficiency of the lungs and increases overall lung capacity, supporting better oxygen utilization by the body.
  5. Reducing Body Fat: As a high-calorie-burning exercise, cycling helps create a caloric deficit, leading to fat loss and improvements in body composition, particularly in reducing visceral fat.
  6. Boosting Overall Physical and Mental Well-being: Beyond physical health, cycling contributes to mental health by releasing endorphins, reducing stress, and improving mood, leading to a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

How does cycling change a man's body

Is cycling a sport designed for men?

No, cycling is not a sport designed only for men because it is a universally accessible activity that benefits individuals of all genders equally, offering a range of health, fitness, and recreational opportunities without any gender-specific limitations.

What does 30 minutes of cycling do to your body?

30 minutes of cycling contributes significantly to a man’s body by enhancing cardiovascular health, improving muscle tone, aiding in weight management, boosting mental well-being, and increasing overall stamina and endurance.

Does cycling burn belly fat?

Yes, cycling burns belly fat by elevating the heart rate and creating a caloric deficit, which forces the body to use stored fat as energy, including fat stored in the abdominal area.

Are cyclists good in bed?

Yes, cyclists can be good in bed because regular cycling improves cardiovascular health and blood flow, potentially enhancing sexual function and stamina; however, excessive cycling without proper seat adjustment can lead to temporary genital numbness or discomfort, which might affect sexual performance temporarily.

Is cycling a good activity for men in their sixties to pursue?

Yes, cycling is a good activity for men in their sixties to pursue because it is a low-impact exercise that improves cardiovascular health, joint mobility, and muscle strength, with the option of using an indoor exercise bike to mitigate risks associated with outdoor cycling and to continue staying active regardless of weather conditions or time of day.

Does cycling improve sperm?

Yes, cycling can improve sperm because it boosts overall fitness and body circulation, including blood flow to the groin area, which is beneficial for sperm production and quality; however, excessive cycling, especially on hard saddles, might negatively impact sperm health due to increased scrotal temperature and pressure.

How much cycling is good for men?

Moderate cycling, around 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity cycling per week, is good for men because it meets the recommended levels of physical activity for maintaining and improving overall health, including cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and mental health, without the excessive strain that can come from overtraining.

Cycling disadvantages for males

Cycling disadvantages for males include the potential for overuse injuries, saddle soreness, lower back pain, genital numbness due to prolonged pressure on the perineum, and increased exposure to pollution when cycling outdoors. Overuse injuries and lower back pain can arise from repetitive motion and improper posture on badly fitted bike equipment. At the same time, saddle soreness and genital numbness are caused by sustained pressure in the pelvic area, and cycling in urban areas may expose riders to higher levels of air pollutants, which can affect respiratory health.

What are the cycling side effects for males?

Cycling side effects for males include overuse injuries, saddle soreness, genital numbness, lower back pain, and increased exposure to environmental pollutants.

  1. Overuse Injuries: Frequent, long-duration cycling without adequate rest or improper technique can lead to repetitive stress injuries in the knees, Achilles tendon, and hip flexors.
  2. Saddle Soreness: Extended periods spent on a bike saddle can cause chafing, skin irritation, and the development of sore spots or cysts due to friction and pressure.
  3. Genital Numbness: Pressure from the saddle on the perineal area may compress nerves, leading to temporary numbness or reduced sensitivity in the genital region.
  4. Lower Back Pain: Poor cycling posture or a bike not properly fitted to the rider can result in strain and discomfort in the lower back muscles.
  5. Increased Exposure to Environmental Pollutants: Cycling, especially in urban areas, exposes riders to air pollutants which can have short- and long-term effects on respiratory health.

What are the cycling side effects for males

Does cycling cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Yes, cycling could cause erectile dysfunction (ED) if excessive pressure is placed on the perineum for prolonged periods, leading to reduced blood flow and nerve function in the area.

Medical doctor Caner Baran from Tulane University School of Medicine, USA, in a 2014 study, found that cycling is associated with perineal numbness (22–91% prevalence) and erectile dysfunction (1.8–50% prevalence) in men, largely due to perineal compression of the pudendal nerve and potential disruptions in testosterone signaling, with evidence suggesting the rider’s position and bicycle seat type significantly influence the degree of these effects.

Can cycling cause impotence?

Yes, cycling could cause impotence if done excessively without proper saddle fit or positioning, resulting in significant pressure on the genital area and affecting penile blood flow.

Can cycling increase prostate issues?

Yes, cycling can increase prostate issues by exerting prolonged pressure on the perineum, potentially leading to discomfort or contributing to conditions like prostatitis in some men. However, regular, moderate cycling with proper bike fit and periodic standing to relieve pressure can minimize this risk.

Does cycling affect male fertility?

Yes, cycling could affect male fertility by creating excessive heat and pressure in the groin area if done intensively for long durations, potentially impacting sperm production and quality.

Can cycling damage your urethra?

Yes, cycling could damage your urethra if the bike saddle causes prolonged and excessive pressure on the perineum, leading to potential injury or urethral stricture over time.

Can bike riding cause Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)?

Yes, bike riding could cause Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) if poor hygiene is practiced, or if tight, non-breathable clothing is worn for prolonged periods, creating a conducive environment for bacterial growth.

Can cycling cause penile numbness?

Yes, cycling could cause penile numbness if the saddle exerts too much pressure on the perineal nerves, restricting blood flow and leading to temporary numbness or loss of sensation.

Does cycling affect sperm count or sperm motility?

Yes, cycling could affect sperm count or sperm motility if conducted excessively under conditions that increase scrotal temperature and pressure, potentially impairing spermatogenesis.

Is cycling bad for the prostate?

Yes, cycling could be bad for the prostate if prolonged pressure from the saddle leads to discomfort, inflammation, or exacerbation of existing prostate conditions.

Is cycling bad for prostate cancer?

Yes, cycling could be bad for prostate cancer if the activity leads to increased discomfort or pressure on the prostate area, potentially aggravating symptoms or hindering recovery in individuals with the condition or undergoing treatment.